For VBR mode the max bitrate is set on one screen, while min bitrate
on the other. Confusing.
Also when ABR is selected, the max bitrate slider should be turned off.

Don't just blindly throw the CLI options on the screen , think too :-)

David Balazic

Holger Dors wrote:
> Hello Roel,
> > I tested the 1.1.0 yesterday, so I think it's still the beta, but it
> > works like a charm for me.
> the executable for the final is the same as the beta one; no one
> reported any bugs (hard to believe, isn't it? ;-), so I only update
> the documentation a bit.
> > If I had to give 1 comment: please make all those settings appear on 1
> > big page because it's very unhandy to go and look for some options in
> > a few different windows.
> It's hard to come up with a good option dialog for RL, given the vast
> amount of options LAME has to offer. I think it's a good idea to put
> those settings in categories, however, I agree, it can get a bit
> unclearly... I sometimes find myself hopping from one tab to another
> to check whether a specific option is on or off myself, so I agree,
> this dialog isn't perfect. On the other hand, I don't want to scare
> people away after they've looked at the options dialog and are totally
> lost within all the options...
> > Maybe also a "scan subdir" for files or so.
> If you drop the parent folder onto the list, view, RL should scan
> recursively. One caveat: there's no "cancel" option yet...
> > btw: why are mp3's shown anyway when I choose "encode"?  I think only
> > showing .wav by default would be better?
> Not totally clear to me what you mean... However, you're aware of the
> fact that you can re-encode mp3 with LAME, are you? So I simply don't
> know if someone dropped 256 kb stereo mp3s and wants to convert them to
> 56kb mono mp3s for web publishing...
> Regards,
>   Holger Dors                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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