If the sage.math machine is overloaded you could try ssh mod

That machine is identical. It is officially for modular forms
development, but if you have access and it is not loaded I am sure no
one will mind you running some short timings.


2009/2/23  <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>:
> On Monday 23 February 2009 12:12:59 Bill Hart wrote:
>> I think SkyNet/eno is a Core 2. It would be interesting to see what
>> score one obtains on a slower Core 2 machine to test the idea that
>> these scores scale linearly with clock speed.
>> At the moment it looks like we'd be about 10% behind GMP 4.3 if the
>> benchmarks do scale linearly.
>> Bill.
> The current mul basecase on core2 is based on the amd addmul which runs at
> 5.2c/l , if we were to base the core2 mul basecase on the current core2
> addmul which runs at 4.7c/l then we may get 10% , but with current core2
> addmul the feedin/winddown code is quite a bit more than the amd code , so
> the benefits may not be doable.
> I had a quick go at core2 addmul and got to 4.5c/l , but I'm  having major
> problems with my timing routines on the sage machine , using rdtsc seems to
> give inconsistent results.
>> 2009/2/23  <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>:
>> > I've done the merge , it is only marginally faster than before ,probably
>> > because there were not many inc/dec's , and there is probably a still a
>> > fair amount of slack in the functions.
>> > I got a bench of 10364 on sage.math
>> >
>> > On Sunday 22 February 2009 22:34:11 Jason Martin wrote:
>> >> Sounds fine.
>> >>
>> >> Jason Worth Martin
>> >> Asst. Professor of Mathematics
>> >> http://www.math.jmu.edu/~martin
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 2:49 PM,  <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
>> >> > If there are no objections , I will merge the core-2 branch into trunk
>> >> > tomorrow. All I have changed are inc/dec to add/sub .
>> >> > I didn't do it for mpn-divexact_byff or the sub,add part of
>> >> > redc_basecase because it was not trivial.
>> >> >
>> >> > When  I say a merge I will just copy the new files across , as there
>> >> > is some testing code in the core-2 branch, which we dont want.
>> >> >
>> >> > Jason
> >

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