As a summary of what I know that works

Everything works , static and shared librarys can be build(but
separately)  , they pass make check
and they install correctly  into /usr/local  , so they are availible
for the usual build process with no extra paths required.
The compiled exe's can be run as normal in the cygwin enviroment.
This exe can also be run from the usual window shell

put cygwin1.dll in your path
ie like
set PATH=c:\cygwin\bin;%PATH%

there are other better ways eg compile with -mno-cygwin etc , but you
have to be carefull about input/output and other things

You can only install shared or static NOT BOTH

Standard install needs some tweeking , get at least core-1.0.11  type
touch.exe /bin/install /bin/install-info.exe
which is needed for vista at least
static and shared can be built (but separately) , static passes make
check , shared fails make check ,but the the library is OK , they both
install correctly into /usr/local  , but the stardard paths are not
set to include these so either put them in your path or build with
gcc your.c -o your.exe -lmpir -L /usr/local/lib -I /usr/local/include
the compiled exe can be run in the mingw/msys enviroment
the compiled exe(with static library) can be run in the normal windows
shell with no tweeks
the compiled exe (with shared library) can also be run in the normal
windows shell with this
put libmpir-3.dll in your path ie with
set PATH=c:\msys\1.0\local\bin;%PATH%
You can only install shared or static NOT BOTH

for MSVC--
Brians projects offer and easy build if you the latest MSVC , and Jeff
reports that the free one works as well.
Personally I prefer the command line , We should have a command
solution for MSVC within a week or two.

I've not tried mixing and matching from MSYS to MSVC  yet , should


On Jun 19, 1:15 pm, William Stein <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Bill Hart<> wrote:
> > Actually, now that I read the instructions in the manual, I am unsure
> > whether .lib files can only be created for dll files. You are creating
> > .a files because the test code doesn't work for dll's.
> > Maybe my suggestion of creating a .lib file won't work.
> > But if so, then I am unsure why MSVC is not working with the .a file
> > you have made with MSYS. You could try changing the calling
> > conventions. I think it uses cdecl by default an maybe it should use
> > stdcall, but that is only a guess.
> > Maybe Jason Moxham has time to play around and figure out how to make
> > this work?
> > I'm really tempted to just say MPIR does not support MSYS at all. But
> > I think that would be a mistake, as there are lots of people who use
> > MSYS.
> > Bill.
> You might say that MSYS doesn't "support" very well building libraries
> that can be used by MSVC.
>  -- William- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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