On Jun 26, 7:05 pm, Cactus <rieman...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 26, 9:55 am, Peter_APIIT <peterap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jun 24, 5:17 pm, Cactus <rieman...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > On Jun 24, 9:35 am, Peter_APIIT <peterap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > OK, i using Visual Studio Express C++ 2008 to build MPIR but how to
> > > > build it?
> > > > Anyone here can teach me.
> > > Hello Peter
> > > In order to build MPIR using Visual Studio 2008 you need to know how
> > > to use Visual Studio Express to build software.
> > > Obviously if you don't know how to use Visual Studio Express, you
> > > won't find it possible to build MPIR without a lot of very basic help.
> > > Before I explain how to builld MPIR with Visual Studio Express, could
> > > you please confrim that you understand how to do the following:
> > > 1. download and unpack ZIP files
> > > 2. Using Windows explorer to naviage around the Windows file system
> > > 3. Opening, creating and renaming and deleting Windows files and
> > > directories.
> > > 4. Opeing Visual Studio *.sln files in Visual Studio 2008 Express
> > > 5. The commands that Visual Studio Express provides to build software.
> > > I ask because, although I can help you build MPIR with Visual Studio
> > > Express, you obviously need to know how to do all the above things
> > > before I can start.
> > > In particular, if you don't know how to use Visual Studio Express, you
> > > either need to learn this using the documentation provided by
> > > Microsoft (quite hard to do) or, better, find someone you knoww who
> > > can guide you in its use.
> > I probably understand what you mentioned here.
> > >4. Opeing Visual Studio *.sln files in Visual Studio 2008 Express
> > Open the project solution explorer file.
> > > 5. The commands that Visual Studio Express provides to build software.
> > There is Microsoft Visual studio express command prompt. I think i can
> > handle it. I accept the challenge.
> > Please guide me. My whole life is depends on you.
> Hello Peter
> In the files section of this google group I have uploaded a revised
> set of instructions for building MPIR using Visual Studio.
> This has kindly been improved by Jeff Gilchrist and will replace the
> existing version in the next MPIR release.
> So please download this readme.txt file from the files here (click on
> the 'File' item in the google group menu).
> Then read and follow these instructions carefully and you should be
> able to build MPIR with Visual Studio Express.
> I will try and help you if you run into trouble and I am sure Jeff
> will too.

I try to build the library by navigate to folder name build.vc9 and
double click the the Microsoft Visual Studio 2009 project file name
mpir and encounter an error which is like this.

A dialog display the following error.

Project file lib_mpir_p0.vcproj or a referenced file has failed to

Please correct the error and reload the project.

The following error has occurred during XML parsing:

File: C:\msys\1.0\home\nicholas_tse
Line: 19
Column: 4
Error Message:
Custom build rules file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\VCProjectDefaults\yasm.rules' was not found or failed to load.
The file 'C:\msys\1.0\home\nicholas_tse
\mpir-1.1\build.vc9\lib_mpir_p0\lib_mpir_p0.vcproj' has failed to

Then i try to look for lib_mpir _p0 folder but i found there are i
Microsoft VS project file name lib_mpir_p0.

Why the mpir cannot find it ?

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