Trust me, I have tested this code extensively for many, many, many
hours on numerous systems, and yes I read your code carefully.

The particular piece of code you refer to is just being overcautious.
I have left it in because it does no harm.

2009/10/19 William Stein <>:
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 8:34 AM, David Harvey <> wrote:
>> On Oct 19, 11:19 am, William Stein <> wrote:
>>> > William, it's difficult for me to take this comment seriously.
>>> Given that it is meant as a joke (which I hoped would be clear), I
>>> hope you will not take it seriously.
>> So, do you have a serious opinion on this issue? I happen to think
>> it's quite serious. For one thing, MPIR's apparent policy on
>> rebranding proof-of-concept code as production code is making me
>> reconsider my policy of publicly sharing code like this (or maybe I've
>> just learned a very important lesson about permissive software
>> licensing).
> My serious opinion regarding anybody's code going into any project is
> that if they do not feel comfortable with it being released with that
> project, then it definitely should not be released as part of said
> project.    If at all possible, the wishes of the author should be
> respected (permissive software licenses aside).     I fully understand
> that you would be justifiably unhappy if in a few months, say, we find
> some subtle bug in computation of Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology groups
> (say), and it gets tracked back to "a bug in David Harvey's
> dc_divappr_q_n code".
> I'm optimistic that including this particular code for 1.3 is just an
> honest misunderstanding and that this will all get sorted out.
>  -- William
> >

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