On Friday 19 November 2010 16:40:38 Jeff Gilchrist wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 3:57 AM, Jason <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> > Thanks , I have no idea what it is , the only thing I can suggest for the
> > moment is to try a build for static only , and then in a clean dir a
> > shared build only. I'm not sure what it will tell us !!!
> Using just --enable-static works fine compiles and make check.  If I
> do --enable-static and --enable-fat it does not complete make like
> before.  If I try --enable-shared and --enable-fat it also does not
> complete make.

To get just a static build you have to --disable-shared as well and for just a 
shared build --disable-static as linux defaults to building both. Note for 
cygwin/mingw* just putting --disable-static will fail as it only builds static 
by default.So to safe and sure in all cases use
--enable-static --disable-shared
for a static only build
--enable-shared --disable-static
for a shared only build

> > Another possible thing to try is to make mpir on the broken machine as
> > far as it will go , tar it up , and transfer to another machine and try
> > make , if the time stamps are OK , it should proceed from where the
> > broken machine left off. If we are lucky the build will complete , it
> > may not for many reasons , but it may??? tell us some thing useful , I'm
> > clutching at straws here...
> I will see if I can try that out later.
> Jeff.


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