On Sunday 08 May 2011 09:50:41 degski wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> I recommend you notepad2, http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html and
> wiki https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Notepad2 . It
> reads/saves files with any line-ending you like (i.e. no more endless
> linux lines), strip trailing blanks, replace tabs with spaces (or the
> other way around). These options can be set as defaults.
> It also does syntax highlighting of c/c++, asm etc etc...
> The simplest is to replace the default windows notepad with notepad2. If
> you are on 64-bit, you'll need to install/replace both 64- and 32-bit as
> when called from som e process it will invoke the notepad version ( 32 or
> 64 bit) based on whether the process itself is 32 or 64 bit.
> Instructions are on the web-site or take this one
> http://code.kliu.org/misc/notepad2/ which has installation/replacement
> packages. I've using the latter myself to all satisfaction. I'm using them
> both on XP and W7 64-bit.
> Best Regards
> degski
> PS: Dealing with another common annoyance on Windows in relation to linux
> source files: below a registry entry that will add a file-type with no
> extension defined as a text file. This is very handy when dealing with
> linux source where there are many files without file-extension like README
> and so on:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> "PerceivedType"="text"
> @="txtfile"
> "Content Type"="text/plain"
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.\OpenWithProgids]
> "VisualStudio.txt.10.0"=""
> [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.\PersistentHandler]
> @="{5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"
> "ItemName"=hex(2):40,00,25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,
> 00,\
> 6f,00,74,00,25,00,5c,00,73,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,
> \
> 00,6e,00,6f,00,74,00,65,00,70,00,61,00,64,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,2c,00,
> \ 2d,00,34,00,37,00,30,00,00,00
> "NullFile"=""
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------- Save in file with extension .reg ->
> right-click -> merge -> confirm -> done...
> Now double-clicking will open the README file in notepad2.
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Jason <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
> > On Saturday 07 May 2011 21:56:54 Cactus wrote:
> > > On May 4, 3:46 pm, Cactus <rieman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > On May 4, 2:55 pm, Marc <marc.gli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > On May 3, 1:00 am, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > I think the unsigned long int is correct this time. I see no
> > > > > > reason why the remove function should return a number of bits.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Well, if the factor being removed is 2, the number of times you can
> > > > > factor it out of a number with n+1 bits like 2^n is...
> > > > 
> > > > It looks like another document/code inconsistency that also exists in
> > > > GMP 5.0:
> > > > 
> > > > GMP:
> > > > doc:  mp_bitcnt_t mpz_remove (mpz t rop, mpz t op, mpz t f)
> > > > dec:  __GMP_DECLSPEC unsigned long int mpz_remove __GMP_PROTO
> > > > ((mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr));
> > > > code: mp_bitcnt_t mpz_remove (mpz_ptr dest, mpz_srcptr src,
> > > > mpz_srcptr f)
> > > > 
> > > > MPIR:
> > > > doc:  mp_bitcnt_t mpz_remove (mpz t rop, mpz t op, mpz t f)
> > > > dec:  __GMP_DECLSPEC unsigned long int mpz_remove __GMP_PROTO
> > > > ((mpz_ptr, mpz_srcptr, mpz_srcptr));
> > > > code: unsigned long int mpz_remove (mpz_ptr dest, mpz_srcptr src,
> > > > mpz_srcptr f)
> > > > 
> > > > GMP also has a similar function in mpn that MPIR doesn't have:
> > > > 
> > > > mp_bitcnt_t mpn_remove (mp_ptr wp, mp_size_t *wn, mp_ptr up,
> > > > mp_size_t un, mp_ptr vp, mp_size_t vn, mp_bitcnt_t cap)
> > > > 
> > > > but its not a part of the public interface.
> > > > 
> > > >     Brian
> > > 
> > > It turns out that there were several inconsistencies introduced into
> > > the GMP code when the mp_bitcnt_t type was introduced.
> > > 
> > > Chris picked up two of these but there was a third one as well.
> > > 
> > > The GMP folk have now picked this up and have corrected all of them in
> > > the last few days.
> > > 
> > > In order to maintain maximum interface compatibility between GMP and
> > > MPIR I will, unless anyone objects, add these three changes to the
> > > MPIR repository.   But I cannot do anything about the MPIR
> > > documentation as I don't have the tools needed to do this.
> > 
> > I can do it if you tell me what needs changing , I suppose a windows text
> > editor would add nl/cr
> > 
> > > They all consist of a subtitution of the mp_bitcnt_t type for the
> > > unsigned long type either as a function parameter or as a return
> > > value.
> > > 
> > >     Brian
> > 
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "mpir-devel" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to mpir-devel@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > mpir-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/mpir-devel?hl=en.

On windows I just launch a cygwin window and use my favorite text editor from 
their :)


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