On Sat, 9 Jun 2012 18:30:31 +0100
Jason Moxham <ja...@thecodecavern.co.uk> wrote:

> Hmmmmm , I just assumed yasm supported masm but it's nasm . What we
> need is a masm compatible free/open source program that I can get to
> work under mingw64 then. Getting it to work under mingw64 should be
> easy.We can get rid of yasm and use gas under linux and masm under
> msvc and this new ?asm? which we supply under mingw64

JWASM is a free open source assembler that uses MASM syntax:


But for reasons I don't recall, Bill doesn't like its license.


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Well anyone using mingw64 is using windows so cant possibly have any complaints 
about the license of JWASM :)
There may be a problem of distributing it with LGPL2.1 and 3??? , although the 
programs won't be linked in anyway , they just be packaged together , just like 
a lot of linux distributions.
We currently build yasm under all systems even those that can't use it , I 
doubt jwasm is this flexible but I can get around this

It basically up to Brian , if he wants to go down the masm route , the effort 
on my part we be small. We will need to do a test first.

We could supply a binary of jwasm instead of building it if its makefile is 
awkward , I suppose is it kept up to date as well , we dont use any AVX yet but 
we will use AVX2 on the new haswell (spring? 2013)

Those who object to binarys are just jealous of us who can read machine 
code(for the 6809 anyway , 30 years ago) :)


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