On Sat, 9 Jun 2012 17:53:49 +0100
Jason Moxham <ja...@thecodecavern.co.uk> wrote:

> What I'm saying that if msvc wants to go the masm route then I'm sure
> I can get mingw64 to work with those source files , we would of
> course need the path in mingw64 to specify where masm was , or
> perhaps if we keep the masm macros simple (like we do anyway) then
> even the current mingw64 yasm will build them anyway

Are you sure that YASM could build from MASM assembler souce code?

I ask because I am a bit surprised by this since the MASM directives
and very different and its MACROS are not even remotely similar to
those in YASM.

And on GAS use with mingw64, I am unsure of the extent to which this
combination fully complies with the Windows exception handling
conventions (prologue/epilogue/stack unwinding ... etc.).

I am not pushing to move away from YASM but if we want to reduce our
dependence on non-native tools and YASM in particular, then using GAS
on Unix/Linux and MASM on Windows makes sense as this would allow 'out
of the box' builds on both Unix/Linux and Windows.


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