-----Original Message----- From: Case Van Horsen
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 6:08 AM
To: mpir-devel@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [mpir-devel] Re: MPIR 2.6.0 alpha1 released

Bill Hart wrote:

Hi all,

It is with pleasure that we release MPIR 2.6.0 alpha1. The source and
documentation can be downloaded at http://mpir.org/

This release contains a new FFT, support for intmax_t integers, a
Python build generator and various bug fixes.

The alpha version has been tested on only a few architectures at this
point. We appreciate any and all build/bug reports. Once testing is
complete, the status will be upgraded to beta or perhaps final.

The following tests use VS2010.

When compiling the 32-bit pentium3 library, I get the following warnings:

 Generating Code...
preinv_divrem_1.obj : warning LNK4221: This object file does not
define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used
by any link operation that consumes this library
mod_1.obj : warning LNK4006: ___gmpn_preinv_mod_1 already defined in
preinv_mod_1.obj; second definition ignored
 lib_mpir_p3.vcxproj -> C:\src\mpir\build.vc10\Win32\Release\mpir.lib
 copying outputs from "Win32\Release" to "..\lib\Win32\Release"

Thanks for the report Case.

The first warning about an 'empty' object file is OK because the file has to be included in the build but might be empty because it can be turned off by the tuning parameters for the build (which happens for p3).

The second is innocuous but I have made a small change to remove this warning.


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