I have been mulling over Craig Miller's recent post regarding the role 
individuals might play in helping to supply affordable housing.  His 
proposition was that 1000 homeowners in Minneapolis buying, rehabbing and 
renting out properties would not only help the housing situation, but could 
be community strengthening.  

I must admit that for a moment I was revved up about going out to buy a 
property, but know that is probably not in my deck of cards.  However, it did 
remind me that in the early 70's there was a group of neighbors in southeast 
Minneapolis that did do exactly what Craig suggested - they bought problem 
properties, rehabbed them and became the landlords until another owner could 
be found.   I think their motive was to be good landlords for student 
housing, but the idea is transferable.

I don't know if any neighborhood groups are doing this now.  Is Powderhorn 
Residents Group still in the picture?  I know a group in Phillips used to do 
this too - is it still around?  It just seems to me that some of the NRP 
money could indeed be funneled into this type of activity.  It would be a 
wonderful way to target properties in need of help and also provide much 
needed housing.  Maybe I am just out of the loop and things like this are 

What I see of NRP money in southwest is going to park improvements, traffic 
studies, loan and grant programs (which I applaud).  I would like to see 
neighborhood groups adopt a more aggressive stance in this area.  Actually 
buying, rehabbing and becoming a landlord is a daunting proposition for an 
individual - kudos to people like Craig - the load might be easier if shared 
by the group.

Jan Del Calzo

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