Glad to see Mr. Krueger agree with me that Minnesota Multi Housing
Association is the best source for
rental property education.

Some of his other points need addressing.
>I'm not sure which of our Rental Property Owners Workshops Mr. Miller has
>been to, but the ones I've been involved with have always included
>non-police folks such as Section 8 program administrators, background check
>agencies, MCDA officials talking about funds available for rehab, --yes,
>even MMHA.

I've attended the program.  And have been a presentor.
Section 8 was there to sell their program FIRST.   Explain it second.  With
so few landlords willing to work with the program( in the interest of
disclosure 5 of my 34 Mpls units are in the program) it seemed more sales
needed.  Remember folks,  the attendees were paying for the session.
The below paragraph illustrative to explaining my daily contact with city
officials.  Demeaning, accusatory. Perceived as part of the problem.  In the
way.  Remember folks, I just had my lisence fees doubled this year.

>Yes, we facilitate such workshops because our unit is responsible for
>enforcing the section of rental licensing concerned with "conduct on the
>premises," i.e., criminal activity.  Would Mr. Miller like us to censor
>information?  It would mean many more owners losing their license than the
>under 1/10 of a percent who have so far in the decade licensing has been
>around.  Further, would Mr. Miller ask us to refrain from having
>speak to the issues of building codes and their authority?  Wow, these are
>the people the owners are most likely to interact with from the city and
>sorry to read Mr. Miller asserting that these are the "wrong people doing
>the class work."
, if it is run professionally, the
>community will not be victimized by the criminal activity that often
>accompanies poorly managed buildings.  Where criminal activity occurs and
>could have been prevented with the owners' actions, but wasn't prevented,
>enter the picture through rental licensing.

In the above para we have the operating word of CRIMINAL/CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.
We have off loaded a sizeable portion of crime fighting on landlords.  After
10 years of rental licensing,
I feel this has been unwise.  It sure has driven the price of rent up.  Look
at all the problem properties that got knocked down.  The criminals should
have went to jail.  The blighted property should have been ticketed until
the landlord did the work or sold.  It is directly responsible for the
stringent screening tactics that Legal Aid is currently worried about.

Mr. Miller, who are the "right
>people" to get that point across?  In Minneapolis, I submit, it's the
>"enforcers" who want to work with owners rather than against them, but are
>obligated to take the latter course in egregious cases.

I think we answered that earlier.  MMHA.  Or a landlord based education
staff vs. a enforcer based staff.

For disclosure purposes,  If Mr. Krueger is a city employee.  It ought to be
stated in his post.  It goes to motivation of the poster.

I enjoy the rigorous debate.

Craig Miller
Former Fultonite-Camdens 2nd Largest Landlord

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