Kudo's to Mr. Lilligren!

The best place to start an education component for landlords it MMHA.  Or
Minnesota Multhousing Association.  They offer programs and training by the
best people in the country.  They have plenty of classes for beginners.
They have whole sections devoted to Mpls Urban property owners/managers.

CCP SAFE's classes have been OK.  But the attendance wasn't what they were
hoping for.  The other problem with CCP SAFE is that they have the wrong
people doing the class work.  They have code ENFORCERS, Police Officials,
doing the class works.  These are the same people who have been telling
landlords that they are not doing a good enough job fighting crime. OR that
landlords are the biggest source of urban blight.  Etc. Etc.  Most of the
landlords in the city hear enough of that elsewhere.  CCPSafe also have
given over generous amounts of time to what most landlords would call tenant

To be taken seriously, the city should contract out the education component
to private sector landlords who have actually done it.  CCP SAFE wants to
mold their perfect landlord.  It doesn't work that way.

Go where the professionals go.

Craig Miller
Former Camdenite

>I agree with Craig Miller about the benefits of neighbors renovating and
>re-hab'ing rental properties near them. It is a way to both stabilize an
>and to offer economic opportunties to residents. I have been successful
>this on my block. I moved here in 1982 to what was then called "low-income"
>development (today we'd call it an "affordable ownership", which I prefer)
>and have since improved my economic position by buying and tending rental
. I think one thing lacking is a comprehensive
>property ownership/management training program and/or ongoing resource for
>n'hood org's and inexperienced landlords. I've seen bits and pieces of
>programs to help - like CCP/SAFE's landlord training. Does anyone know of a
>more comprehensive program?
>Robert Lilligren

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