Barbara Nelson wrote:
> I know that a whole bunch of you are against a ballpark no matter
> what, but I'm entitled to my own opinion too, no matter how
> unpopular it is.

Ken Bearman is right that a lot of people simply oppose public funding
of the stadium. If people want to support the stadium, let them. Pay for
it with user fees and team money.

But why would anyone including the citizens of the cities and the state
as a whole invest in the rotten industry that baseball has become?
Apparently, the Pohlads have not had a sniff from a potential buyer and
say that they will lose $15-20 million this year. Selig is talking about
his biggest regret was not allowing a few team to go bankrupt in the
past few years. Attendance for the Twins is a little down even though
they are doing well in the standings (more about being in a rotten
division than excellence on their part). Attendance is down all over the
league. The players are considering striking again. It goes on and on...

Anyone out there who loves baseball (and I do) should let it go. Let
this dog collapse under its own weight and wait for the day when any of
this stuff makes more sense. I'll go out on a limb and predict that in 5
years, 8-10 current teams will have folded, including the Twins. In
10-15 years, after a new financial structure is put in place, teams will
actually make money and will expand again. That will be the time to have
a discussion about a stadium.

Walt Cygan

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