I'd be interested to hear what the most common scenarios are that lead
to developers believing that MQ lost their message, particularly when
using the JMS API. As has been mentioned in this thread, this isn't the
sort of complaint that you hear raised against ftp or databases, but
does seem to occur with reasonable frequency with messaging. This might
indicate that our APIs aren't as good, or that the underlying paradigm
is more complex, but in either case suggests that we could do more to
support developers facing the question "where's my message?".

I can think of a few obvious things that crop up on a regular basis:

not starting the JMS Connection
sending a message under transaction and not committing
incorrectly formed message selectors
remote client connections performing receives outside of syncpoint
using message expiry
publishing messages before creating the subscriber
sending the message somewhere other than where it was supposed to go
another application left running that consumes from the same destination

With the added power of the MQI there are plenty of additional problems
that can arise, like forgetting to clear messageID and correlationID
fields when reusing the MQMD, and we haven't yet got to problems of
multi-queue manager routing or adding a transformation engine to the mix.

So, let me know what sort of things trip up your developers (or
yourselves - I think I've done *all* of the above at sometime or other)
and I'll push for features that will hopefully make it easier to support
and work with our products.

It would be best if you send problems, not suggestions for solutions -
I'm not sure what the IP implications would be for the latter, and I
wouldn't want good ideas to be delayed from getting into the product
because of legal concerns.

No promises, no time-scales, but rest assured we're listening.


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