Hi all.
Sorry for the late answer.
> The corresponding 32bit nightly got no further in its host lubuntu
> 14.04 than the spashscreen before dying.)"
Without logs I can't say anything. I guess you need to install some
additional libraries related to Qt5.

> JACK had been added and was working with qjackctl  in linuxmint17 also,
> but settings in the mscore did not yield sound except with solely
> synthesizer...PulseAudio*, and that only after adding soundfont
> FluidR3_GM.sf2 in the mscore nightly's Synthesizer pane.
You can try a new nightly build. JACK should be work properly now. Internal
synthesizer is linked with JACK MIDI Out (we have to know program list) and
JACK Audio (we have to make sound before passing to JACK), so you need to
add soundfont in MuseScore anyway.

> JACK works nicely with many apps --  but not with musescore 1.3 or earlier
Yes, JACK support in MuseScore 1.3 was not fully implemented. Actually we
have only JACK Audio working in 1.3. However, my work on JACK was not
related to MuseScore 1.3, only for 2.0. There was a post
on development list: we will try to release a first beta before the end of
August. You could try it if you don't want use nightly builds.

> I completely agree with your approach, and since we're talking about it,
> not open the way for future implementation of automation tracks for any
> parameter (CCs, aftertouch, Pitch Bend, etc.)?
I just made an example of automation tracks for volume, but actually it
could be done for any midi parameter. But this feature is complex and it
could be not easy to implement. As you see, developers now focused on
fixing bugs and preparing for the release of MuseScore 2.0 beta 1. So this
feature would not be implemented soon.

> Another thing, will these MIDI Actions include Note On/Note Off events, so
> they can act as MIDI keyswitch triggers? If so, this may be a killer
> for using a keyswitched sample library, directly!
> Another possible use for such "hidden" Note On/Note Off
> messaging could be the possibility of allowing the playback of cluster
>chords with proper notation (not yet available in MuseScore) and those
> ornaments more complex present in the "Articulations & Ornaments" pallete,
> that aren't played back in current version.
I don't understand the importance of including Note On/Off events in MIDI
Actions. If you want to make a new kind of notation, it's better to write
it in code or make a plugin. As I understand, you want to place some
elements on the staff that would not produce midi events. And you want to
make midi messages by yourself, right? It could be too complicated to keep
all in sync if changing elements would not affect midi events. Also, I
don't know what is keyswitched sample library :(.

> Maybe now, with all this MIDI development, it may
> be possible to rethink it, and contact other DAW development teams to
> consider the same scenario, no?
I didn't know before about OOMidi, but seems like it could be a great
project. As I said, developers focused now on the beta, so I didn't think
they would rebuild MuseScore to integrate with DAW now. Also, since project
died, MuseScore developers should make two projects: OOMidi and MuseScore.
Anyway, I hope they read this and will recall about OOMidi after

> The other day, I tried to open a test file I made with MuseScore
> 2.0, a nightly build prior to your changes, and it crashed a more recent
> nightly build. But when I opened another file (a self-made orchestral
> template) not containing any notes/notation, other then the staves with
> instruments names, all went fine. Do you think there is a connection?
There is no connection with me. The code I develop is in different branch,
and it would not be merged to the main (master) branch before I finish
testing. Only after this we will merge it.
Regarding your problem - there could be a bug in MuseScore. Also MuseScore
may crash if there are unknown tags in the score. It could happen if you
save file with today nightly, and try to open it in yesterday nightly. Any
new feature can slightly change MuseScore format, so it's better to use
fresh nightly builds.

> I also have some other possible "bugs" that I'd like to address, ...
> Where should I talk about these, should I post here, or on the Forum?
If you noticed a bug or you have a feature request, it's better to write to
an issue tracker [0].

> Could any developer consider asking them to share their research
> project with MuseScore's main release version, so that all Mscore users
> could benefit from this wonderful tool, maybe in a future 3.x version, or
It's really a great project. We have already talked with them. I can't say
anything about joining/merging our code, but MuseScore should be ready for
this. Yes, I am talking again about fixing bugs and preparing for the beta.

[0] http://musescore.org/en/project/issues
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