> However, the dialog you are showing only lists Parts and Staff
> and not Instruments.

I don't think so.
Look at the screen [0]. I took a default score, added 2 instruments via
"Create Instruments" dialog.
I didn't create any parts, only instruments with staves.
Now I have 3 instruments: Piano, Electric Guitar, Piano, but I do not have
Look at the screen: there is no parts in "MuseScore: Parts" dialog
(File->Parts). [0]

Or you're talking about another parts? Anyway, picture shows that there are
*instruments* in "Create instrument" dialog (strange?). If I am wrong,
correct me.

> A couple of comments - firstly about this being only for JACK - there have
> already been requests for control over MIDI channel for the internal

I got your problem. It have to be solved!
I think there is no need for *another* port/channel couple for the inner
sequencer/synth, so we can use these [1] port/channel settings for both
inner and JACK MIDI sequencer/synth.

> Secondly you need to amend your second implementation diagram to allow
> staves within an instrument to have channel assignations

You're talking about something like this, as I understand: [2].
It is pretty well and looks good, but current architecture does not allow
to do this. As I wrote in my previous message:
> Staff object only describes how score should look. Instrument object
describes, how score should sound.
So, there is some logical separation.
We can't assign channels for staves, only instruments can have channels.

There are 3 possible ways to go:
1. Add ability to add channels to staves. It brokes the logical separation
of code (community would be against it, maybe).
2. Join two objects Instruments and Staves into one. We can only have
Staves, they would have all properties of Instruments including channels.
This would mess up a lot of code, developers couldn't code for a week
(month?), and it would make a lot of new bugs. (But, really, I think that's
the best option - all info about staff should be inside staff.)
3. Leave it as we have now.

If we choose the 3rd option, we get this: you need to assign channel to a
staff, but only instruments could have channels. Solution: you need create
an instrument for each staff, and assign channel to this instrument.

I hope I am clear enough.

Questions that need to be answered:
1. Does "Create Instruments" contains Instruments? Is this sketch correct?
My answer: Yes. What's yours?
2. Does controls in [1] should change Instruments' channel for inner and
outer synth? If yes, controls would be permanent, showing when checkbox
"Show MIDI Settings" is checked.
My answer: Yes. What's yours?
3. ChurchOrganist wrote:
> Secondly you need to amend your second implementation diagram to allow
> staves within an instrument to have channel assignations
I wrote my opinion above. What's yours?

As always, I am glad to hear your proposals about JACK.

[0] https://lut.im/3J8V5WWN/5PA98x7V
[1] https://lut.im/X4pnW37X/QoFUjUy2
[2] https://lut.im/oWZJGyxW/zdeOsKzg
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