Marc Sabatella wrote
> No dice.  Neither of those fonts kern correctly for me on any of my three
> systems.  Again, both Linux systems are running Qt 5.4; there, neither
> font kerns at all.  My Windows machine has Qt 5.3.  On that machine, your
> FreeSerif will kern the "rj" but not the "Te" or the "VA".

Results for "rj" and "Te" are correct: FreeSerif does contain a kerning pair
for "rj" but it DOES NOT contain a kerning pair for "Te": obviously the
latter will not kern under any circumstance!

About "VA" / "AV": are you sure it does not kern? For this pair the overlap
is very tiny: in practice the tip of the serif of the 'A' just overlaps the
tip of the serif of the 'V'.  This is a screen shot of the result to be


> Your FreeSans will kern the "VA" but not either of the other pairs.  I
> assume the difference has to do with different types of tables, but you
> know more about that than I.

This also is correct: FreeSans has a kern pair for "VA" (stronger than
Serif's) but NOT for "rj" or "Te".

> Again, only by *unchecking* the OpenType box can I get these fonts to kern
> correctly on my Linux machine running Qt 5.4 or my Windows machine running
> 5.3.

Well, I do not understand this: as far as your description goes, the fonts
DO kern correctly (with the possible exception of Serif "VA"); if by
unchecking the box, the fonts kern more than their data or for pairs which
have no kern data, I don't think this to be "correct". Am I missing

>  And I found the same for Linux with 5.3 back in August; that's why I
> went to two different MuseJazz fonts back then.  But I have no idea why
> MuseJazz will kern for me on Qt 5.4 even with OpenType checked but the
> other fonts won't.

Is it possible that MuseJazz simply has more aggressive kerning data and
then it is easier to spot by eye?

Just for completeness, which Linux do you have?

> BTW, I checked other "system" fonts.  On my Windows / Qt 5.3 machine,
> Arial and Times New Roman kern just fine, others are more hit and miss,
> but overall I'd say kerning "works" in MuseScore on Windows.  On my Linux
> / Qt 5.4 machines, very few fonts kern well.  Many work like your
> FreeSerif does on Windows - some pairs you expect to see kern do, but
> others don't. Others don't kern at all.

Have you tried these fonts with other aplications, perhaps non-Qt-based?

> It's looking like there is probably a Qt issue with OpenType on Linux and
> Windows, but I still don't know how to quantfiy it.

A difference in font support among the various Qt versions is definitely
possible, but I would expect it to go toward a better support for OpenType
tables not away from it... As soon as Linux Mint 17.1 will be released I'll
upgrade another machine of mines to it and install the latest Qt (I'm not
eager to upgrade Qt on my main machine: I have other Qt projects on it and
"if it ain't broken, don't fix it").



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