On 13 December 2011 23:20, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> It seems "modern" window manager don't care about basic X features.
> !&"ç(!;!*!?&/% *CENSORED* *CENSORED* !/g%*%&F& *CENSORED* !!!

My 8 year old Dell laptop (which I use at home) has to run Ubuntu
8.04.4. With that it is usable, but with anything newer it is not.
Sometimes Ubuntu 8.04 also frustrates me because a simple task is
slow. Then I switch to JWM (Joe's Window Manager) with a different
file manager, and things run lightning fast again!

> I think "modern" Linux desktops suck.

+1 again.

> attached Thunderbird screen shot. What is the purpose of the big middle
> bar other than to minimize useful information on the screen? All of the

I'm so glad somebody else noticed that too. What is the bloody point
of that HUGE bar, and like you said, it duplicates information that is
already visible. There is a add-on that allows you to minimize that
bar, but then it hides some other functionality. It shouldn't be that
big in the first place. I was a long time Thunderbird user, but got so
frustrated lately that I thought I should write my own email client
(which I still want to do), but it the mean time I switched to the
memory hog Evolution. At least their I don't have that huge middle
bar, and Evolution can at least read newsgroups too [so no need for a
separate NNTP client].

  - Graeme -

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