On Tuesday 03 January 2012 22.33:23 IvankoB for-mse wrote:
> >From my short LINUX C/C++ experience, it looks really difficult to
> write resourse-relaxed apps for LINUX. Just look into GTK2+, KDE4+ etc
> application "bricks". Also all they're C++ based thus a lot of dynamic
> memory fragmentation which means 1000s times as worse usage of CPU
> cache etc. Work with unicode is a nightmare too - simple charset
> conversion involves a lot of code & memory reallocations just for a
> SINGLE string. Very-very inefficients. Just multiply this single
> slowliness on thousands of strings when desktop is running ! That's :
> the LINUX GUI API has become too high-level (C++ based) against
> lowe-level win-32 API (C-based). Eeasier to program but much more
> resource hungry so that even modern hardware has got saturated once
> LINUX desktops tried more advanced eye candings.
Agreed. For MSEgui I often use dynamic arrays instead of TList or even PChar 
and pointer arithmetic instead of String for performance reasons, one of the 
reasons I fought  against the Delphi like code page aware strings in FPC 
which have even more overhead.


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