On Friday 15 November 2013 09:33:32 Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 11/14/2013 09:28 PM, Sieghard wrote:
> > It might not be very neccessary if these types aren't compatible among
> > each other. Range checking has to be done only on coercion then, i.e.
> > when assigning a value cast from a - any - different type.
> I understand that Martin is (IMHO) correctly assuming that range
> restricted numerical types (only) make sense if you do realtime range
> checking on them.
Compile time range checks already have a benefit.
 subty = 0 to 5;
 sub1: subty;
 i1: int32;
 sub1:= 123; <<<--- compiler error
 sub1:= i1;  <<<--- compiler error
 sub1:= subty(i1); <<<--- runtime range check


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