Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Wed, 20 Nov 2013 11:22:41 +0100:

> > Ok, let's look at it this way. Then, what's the value of this lone sign
> > bit?
> This is obvious.

Then give the value.

> Take a look at the predecessor of zero as done by the algorithm any 
> (modern) ALU does

That's simply the same as its successor, because we're dealing with a
cyclically ordered number set. Just like, e.g. weekdays.
The arithmetic used for these is called "modulus arithmetic".
Yes, and the values you assign to the symbols (bit patterns, in this case)
are just convention. And don't matter as long as no calculation can return
a result outside of the base set.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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