On Wednesday 13 November 2013 17:29:11 Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 11/13/2013 05:19 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > "
> > type
> >   recordty = bitpacked record
> >    x2: -2 to 1;
> >    x3: -2 to 1: 2; //same as above
> >    x4: 0 to 5: 4;  //subrange in 4 bits
> >   end;
> > "
> While I don't like to be forced to calculate the range manually from the
> intended bit count, this of course is possible
The range could default to the maximum of the bit size:
 boolty = : 8;          //bool8
 cardty = 0 to: 8;      //card8
 intty = -to: 8;        //int8
 charty = #0 to: 8;     //char8
 floatty = -. to .: 64; //flo64
  b: : 8;         //bool8
  c: 0 to: 8;     //card8
  i: -to: 8;      //int8
  ch: #0 to: 8;   //char8
  f: -. to .: 64; //flo64
I don't like it.
Or with reserved words:
 boolty = max: 8;             //bool8
 cardty = 0 to max: 8;        //card8
 intty = smin to smax: 8;     //int8
 charty = #max: 8;            //char8
 floatty = -.max to .max: 64; //flo64
  b: max: 8;            //bool8
  c: 0 to max: 8;       //card8
  i: smin to smax: 8;   //int8
  ch: #max: 8;          //char8
  f: -.max to .max: 64; //flo64
I don't like it, especially the "smin" "smax". We can't write "-max to max" 
because Sieghard will read it. ;-)


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