Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Tue, 19 Nov 2013 12:32:40 +0100:

> > Could you please keep sufficient context so even a casual reader can
> > surmise what was meant? Thank you.
> Nope.

Alright. I'll not respond to such garbage then.

> > So you say a single bit can be signed?
> Yep. The highest order bit in a number in the "2's complement" encoding  
> is the sign bit.

Ok, let's look at it this way. Then, what's the value of this lone sign bit?
_Where_ does it have a value? There's not one bit that could give it a
value, so it's 0, and constantly so. It doesn't need to be stored, so you
can remove it. You can remove all single bit variables then.

> When adding or subtracting, the ALU does not care about the type being 
> signed or unsigned. The resulting bits are the same. (i.e. the resulting 
> status Bits also are the same in the ALU, the compiler only interprets 
> them according to the type of the result if it needs to take care of the 
> potential sign of the result. )

Give proof.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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