At 01:44 05/01/98 +0900, you wrote:
>>      Here in Brazil we are developing a new OS for MSX, the MSXOS project.
>>It'll be based on the Unix philosophy, and (trying to!) compatible with
>>MSX-DOS 2. Unfortunately, our project has been stopped, due to the lack of
>>time that we have. But we hope that it can be finished soon.
>Sorry but I think that if it is not full MSX-DOS 2 compatible it will not be
>a success. It is only my opinion. And remember that "UNIX" maybe sounds too
>strong to the ears of an MSX users, you understand...

        Well, there is some flavours of Unix ported to Z80, like UZI. And somebody
saw in Zilog homepage that there is a crazy guy who are porting Linux to Z80! 

        And about MSX-DOS2 compatibility: Yes, we hadn't forget MSX-DOS 2.

>Anyway go ahead with your MSXOS project and with whatever MSX related
>project you have. We need people with ideas (and with time for it!) ;-)

        Unfortunately, our lack of time is our mostly undead enemy! :(


          Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro      (\__/)      Star Trek, X-Files,
        M. Sc in Numerical Modelling     (..)   _)  Comics, MSX, Anime,
      Universidade Federal Fluminense    /\/\  (    Gospel & Christian
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