>It is clear that you don't have never investigate the Mega-SCSI programs
>procedures, nor the Mega-SCSI MSXCDEX driver. You can be sure that an
>hypothethical ASCII-designed SCSI interface would not be better (nor most
>error-free) than Mega-SCSI, believe me! Don't underestimate the MSX

Another FONY member has a MEGA SCSI interface...
But indeed I never investigated it very good.
Also I don't underestimate the MSX programmers! (I am one myself :-)
But you don't seem to get the point!
I also meant a COMPATIBLE system!
What use is a file system that is not compatible with old programs???

>>I wasted a lot of time in finding out what is the best way to get +32Mb
>>partitons, please don't make the same mistake!
>>You can better make some nice utils or demos or games :-)
>My friend, I'm not of your opinion. Because only for continuing with the
>system we are already wasting our time! Why not to develop software for PC,
>and to winning money then? This is not the matter.

MSX is more fun to program for... more result.
But then why are you trying to make 32mb possible when you can waste your
time on making a complete new OS?
That would be much nicer :-)

>We have now OPL4 sound cards, 4MB expansion cards, and SCSI/IDE controllers
>on our old and obsolete MSX computers. The hardest part is already done!
>not to do the following step breaking the partition size limit? Remember
>that we are already following the steps of "expert" people: we must only to
>copy the MS-DOS standard! And, sorry for my insistence in this point: the
>drivers system used by MSXCDEX is the PERFECT way to this purpose. We only
>need a "little" more of technical information.

I suggest you reverse engineer MSXDOS2... can't be very difficult, it only
takes a lot of time.

You underestimate the time it takes to make good software!
Look at the PC: the hardware is 10 times better than the OS!!!!! Don't
forget that almost all 64bit Pentium PCs run windows95 which uses a 32bit
base with 16 bit history...
Why is this? Because making the software is the hardest part of computer

>Of course it is also good (and necessary) to make demos and games (hey, I
>want Gradius Gaiden for MSX!! ;-), and don't forget the utilities! But we
>are enough people for doing this and to afford such "ambitious" projects.

Please don't get me wrong, you may do what you like with your MSX. I only
stated my opinion, just to give the discussion another point of view.
I doubt that there are much people in Holland who know enough about MSX and
have enough time to do this project. I don't know the situation in other

Anyway, if you need tech info, I think there are a lot of people who can
Some of them allready did.

We should at least try to find out who made MSXDOS2... or the source code of
But I think ASCII will not just give it to us :-(



[EMAIL PROTECTED] = Stephan Szarafinski, The Netherlands
MSX Freak --> Games coder and contactperson for *FONY*

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