About this subject:

I think it would be great to have bigger partitions than 32mb!
But why do we want it? To have more space available for our programs!


The only way you can get compatibility with old programs and +32Mb
partitions is by rewriting MSX-DOS and adding functionality to the BDOS.
But we can't do that! We don't have the resources (both information and
manpower) to do this.

We can write our own operating system and make it multitasking, give it
16bit FAT etc...
Would be great, but we can't use our old programs with it!

We could make something like MSXCDEX for +32Mb partitions, but it is only a
hack and not a reliable thing.


Ask Bill Gates to make MSX-DOS 3 in his spare time :-)

I hope you all see the point...
We will never have +32 partitons in a good reliable way unless it is done by
people who know what they are doing (people who know how MSX-DOS2 works from
the first to the last bit).

I wasted a lot of time in finding out what is the best way to get +32Mb
partitons, please don't make the same mistake!
You can better make some nice utils or demos or games :-)


Stephan Szarafinski

[EMAIL PROTECTED] = Stephan Szarafinski, The Netherlands
MSX Freak --> Games coder and contactperson for *FONY*

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