>Another FONY member has a MEGA SCSI interface...
>But indeed I never investigated it very good.

Do it. You will get very surprised!

I have some information about the internal Mega-SCSI functions translated to
spanish. If you are interested I can translate it to english and send it to you.

>I also meant a COMPATIBLE system!
>What use is a file system that is not compatible with old programs???

If the DOS is patched in the way I propose, all the old programs which uses
DOS function calls and do not perform direct FAT access (that is, all
programs except IMPROVE or similar) will work without any problem!

>But then why are you trying to make 32mb possible when you can waste your
>time on making a complete new OS?
>That would be much nicer :-)

There is a difference between wasting a lot of time (the patch) and wasting
a half or your life (the new OS). Anyway this is also a factible good idea,
just look at Egor Voznessenski and his MISIX!

>I suggest you reverse engineer MSXDOS2... can't be very difficult, it only
>takes a lot of time.

You are right, but every time I dissassemble something I get a big
headache... dissassemble MSXDOS2 is not affordable by only one person, I think.

>Why is this? Because making the software is the hardest part of computer

Yes, and also the software is the most important part of the computer from
the view point of the user. This is a clear example: we are using 1Gb hard
disks in 32Mb pieces because of a software limitation!

>Please don't get me wrong, you may do what you like with your MSX. I only
>stated my opinion, just to give the discussion another point of view.

And you act good, we are here for giving view points!

>I doubt that there are much people in Holland who know enough about MSX and
>have enough time to do this project. I don't know the situation in other

Yes, this is also a problem, the time. I'm a student and I have a relatively
big amount of time. But for most people it is not the same.
>Anyway, if you need tech info, I think there are a lot of people who can
>Some of them allready did.

Yes, one of the reasons which makes me initiate this discussion is the lack
of technical info about DOS internals.
>We should at least try to find out who made MSXDOS2... or the source code of
>But I think ASCII will not just give it to us :-(

I also think in asking ASCII. We will not lost nothing for asking...

Anyway I'm waiting the reply of Taro Kashiwazaki; I asked him about MSXCDEX
structure and the DOS information he used. Besides, he is nearest than us of
ASCII... ;-)

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|       Konami Man v23.10       |
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|        Developped by          |
|      Antonio Soriano &        |
|      Concepcion Vilchez       |
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|        (c) 1974-1997          |
|      Soriano Family Ltd.      |
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