On Sun, 14 Feb 1999 22:42:26 +0100, Erik wrote:

>> >Its possible to use a big 10A bridge rectifier instead of the four diodes and 
>mount it at the left side of
>> >case to cool it down.
>> 10A ?
>> Is not possible to use a 5A one ? It's cheaper :-)
>> by Frengo
>5A is just on the edge, i would reccoment to use one bigger (and the are cheap)
>it's the peek current which is very high , it has to charge a capacitor.
>when your 8280 uses , lets say , 5 A the peek currend trough the rectifier can easely 
>be more then 10 A.
>most big rectifiers can hold peek currents from more then 50A , but only for a very , 
>very short time.

But if the fuse is 3A, does not burn if current is more then 5A ?  Or it can hold it 
wor a short while ?

by Frengo

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