Niels Walta wrote:
> Why does everybody want to remake Snatcher? I know it's a great game but
> most of the people don't want to buy something that really ain't good. You
> can polish the old game up but it would still feel the same. I suggest two
> options:
> 1. Just translate the original so that we (non japanese and people who just
> can't read it) can finally understand it or
That was our first idea. But it seems not as easy as it looks!

> 2. Make a totally new game. New graphix, new music, better coding (is that
> possible?) and a really fuck'n good story (based on the same characters and
> world as the original)! It would be like: "Snatcher 2 - the new game you've
> all been hoping for"
> It's like the same with Dune2(000). Dune2 was great. But then people
> thought it might be fun do just give it a better look (not new!). And
> people were satisfied for a moment with Dune 2000. Now everybody's
> complaining it's just the same old game. Nothing new there so they won't
> buy it. It ain't a succes (well, not the succes they hoped for). Catch my
> drift?
> And BTW, if there are plans for a new Snatcher, count me in! (for
> musix/story maybe graphix)
> Greetz
> -=NeW=-
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Mit freundlichem Gruss,

Herbert Kloseck

Herbert Kloseck         #       University Of Dortmund
                       # #      LS7: Computer Graphics
                       # #      D-44221 Dortmund
 #####################  #       Germany


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