At 17:08 24/02/99 +0100, you wrote:
>> > Or we could finally make a GFX9000 game...
>> > GFX9000 can display 15bit pictures, which is the highest color depth that
>> > the PSX supports.
>> So 3 people can play it because they have a GFX 9000.
>I think the number of people with GFX9000 is closer to 300 than to 3.
>> But I think the graphic programs for MSX are better than the programs for
>> PC. I mean that the MSX programs are capable to change little things like
>> colors and some pixels very fast. I don't need a PC for that.
>That's your opinion. Personally, I prefer the PC to draw. I can have
>multiple images open at the same time, use layers, use image filters, do
>dithering etc.
>Paint Shop Pro can change colors very easily and pixels aren't that
>difficult either (although it's not as easy as GraphSaurus).

        There is a guy here in Brazil who developed a palette file for Photoshop
and Paint Shop which 'emulates' perfectly the MSX 256 color-palette.

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