At 18:31 23/02/99 +0100, you wrote:
>At 02:02 PM 2/23/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>I want to arrange the whole soundtrack maybe with some other composers. We
>>could make Moonsound versions of the music. Or maybe it's wise to keep the
>>original music. It helps to set the atmosphere. Snatcher without SCC? Hmmmm,
>>I don't know. 
>I have written code that emulates SCC or SCC+ on a MoonSound. Jerome
>Borsboom has written code that emulates SCC+ on 2 normal SCCs. So there are
>enough options to play the original music.

        Only a thing: Please, if you're planning to put Moonsound music into this
'new' Snatcher (or in any game), please don't forget us who has only
MSX-Music, SCC and/or MSX-Audio, most of us don't have enough money to buy
a Moonsound.

>If a reprogramming is done, why not allow the user to select either
>original music or re-arranged music?

        Well, pretty nice option!

>>[Ripping GFX from PSX version]
>>So how do you want to "snatch" these graphics? I own a Explorer so I can
>>grab some pictures. But animations would be a problem.
>Another option is to rip GFX directly from CD, by writing the appropriate
>converter. If the file format is not too difficult, this will work very well.

        But there's 2 problems:
        - We need to read the CD - which filesystem does it have?
        - Which gfx format are being used?

>>Another problem is
>>the size of the pictures and the amount of colors used. It has to be screen
>>8 or even 12.
>Or we could finally make a GFX9000 game...

        No please, I don't have a GFX9000! 
        Please, do it 4 MSX 2+ or T-R (V9958)... Why now 2 versions of the same game?

>GFX9000 can display 15bit pictures, which is the highest color depth that
>the PSX supports.

        Yep, I know... But there isn't anything that a really good graphic
converter can't do, like Image Alchemy. 

>>[Editing as GIF or BMP]
>>Why convert it first from pc to MSX? It is a MSX game, so we make it on MSX.
>Ever heard of the term "cross-development"? The professionals use it all
>the time.
>>BMP or GIF files can't be used on MSX directely, so we cannot use them. 
>Writing a BMP to screen 5 converter is much easier than writing a game like

        Sure, BMP is a one of the easiest file formats I've ever seen.
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