>> And those few who have more inches, more out-of-sync polygons per second,
>> more keys, more buttons on the wiggling mouse and more watts crammed into
>> the ridiculous speakers' built-in amplifier are just wasting their money
>> becoming exactly the kind of radical sad geeks they think we are.
>Why do I spend fl.400 on a music-card on the MSX which costs fl.100 for the
>PC? Eh?

Because the kind of stuff your MSX will output thru your fl.400 card will
be at least 4 times better than the kind of garbage a PC would output thru
a fl.100 brick.

Simple arithmetics.

NB: I say BETTER, not more channels, bits or pixels. Don't try to compare
this fact with buying expensive gfx cards for the PC just to achieve higher
polygon throughput -which of course doesn't imply more quality- than a PSX.

>> No way. Suicide means surrender. There are more radical and effective
>> attitudes towards this phenomenon.

Will apply those attitudes on you as well.

Kiss you lot.

Madonna Mark Two

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