At 09:54 PM 5/20/99 +0200, you wrote:

>Yes. Well, I change r#18 on the interrupt and I execute my COPY right after
>the V_BLANK interrupt. So at the moment there is no problem. But this
>screensplit is 52 lines high, so I can't execute COPY-commands at the 160th
>and the 212th line, which decreases a lot of my time left for other COPYs. I
>might be able to time it very carefully so I can insert some small COPYs
>between those lines, but I hoped there was another solution for my problem
>so that I wouldn't have to time that careful.

There is a lot of time between line 211 and line 0. If you set the adjust
as soon as the first VDP command completes after V_BLANK, it should be fast
enough. The only thing you have to worry about is executing commands near
line 160.


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