> Does anyone have a game finished for joynet ?
> Because I currently own 4 msx'es (Fleamarkets...) and it would be
> cool if I could play some games on them which use joynet.

Nope... not yet.

But I have some ideas:
- Grand Theft Auto alike, but without cars and with a lot of gangsters. Some
kind of deathmatch.
  (something for my gfx-engine I think)
- a Real Time Strategy
  (although I don't know yet if JoyNet is fast enough for Strategic Army)
- a Micro Machines (or Greatest Driver 2D Special)-like game
  (racing with a top-view, should be possible in screen 4)
  (has lots of 'egale vlakken', so screen 4 has enough colors I think)
- A 2-player RPG???
  (with 'mission objectives' of which both players can do the half)
- Tetris network
  (maybe Triplex can be adapted???)
- Tic-Tac-Toe for 2 MSX-computers

Ofcourse, I'd like to make all these games myself, but ofcourse... that's
not possible, I haven't got THAT much time. As I use to say: 5 projects at
once is enough.
Anyways, I like the Micro Machines and Gangster-game most. If you think one
of these ideas is cool and you would like to make it, let me know, maybe we
can coöperate.

Maybe OSR can make use of JoyNet??? Anyone knows one of the developers?


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