>   Hi!,
> >- Grand Theft Auto alike, but without cars and with a lot of gangsters.
> >  kind of deathmatch. (something for my gfx-engine I think)
>    This Game I don't know... Sorry. :)

Well, imagine you're a gangster and you walk through a city of flats (in
top-down view). You can encounter other gangsters and then you'll have to
shoot them
You can find boxes with different kinds of contents, like a machine-gun, a
10-second kill frenzy gun etcetera.
In the PC-game Grand Theft Auto, you can also steal cars, buses, tankers and
trains, and drive like a madman, and be chased by the police.

> >- A Real Time Strategy (although I don't know yet if JoyNet is fast
> >  enough for Strategic Army)
> >- A Micro Machines (or Greatest Driver 2D Special)-like game (racing
> >  with a top-view, should be possible in screen 4) (has lots of 'egale
> >  vlakken', so screen 4 has enough colors I think)
>    No problems w/ SCR2/SCR4 graphics, worry with the code... :)
>    I like draw in this screen mode.

I can code everything.

> >- A 2-player RPG???
> >  (with 'mission objectives' of which both players can do the half)
>    A game like XaK 3? But w/ players going to diferent ways, not?

There are some things to complete to go to the next part, i.e. you'll have
to collect a bucket, a key and a scoop. Well the one player can search for
the bucket and the scoop while in the meantime the other one can find the
key. They then meet again at the door where they unlock it and proceed to
the next part.

Something like that.

> >- Tetris network (maybe Triplex can be adapted???)
>    It is old, try another idea... :)

Well, I won't try it anyway. It was just a suggestion.

> >- Tic-Tac-Toe for 2 MSX-computers (duh!!!)
>    Jogo da velha ("Old-woman's Game") ?


> > Anyways, I like the Micro Machines and Gangster-game most. If you
> > think one of these ideas is cool and you would like to make it, let me
> > know, maybe we can co-perate.
>   I can help you with graphics and algoritms (Z80 Asm code not is my
>   specialitty).

But it is mine. Anyway, I have not planned anything yet, but if I have I'll
remember you.


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