
>- Grand Theft Auto alike, but without cars and with a lot of gangsters. Some
>  kind of deathmatch. (something for my gfx-engine I think)

   This Game I don't know... Sorry. :)

>- A Real Time Strategy (although I don't know yet if JoyNet is fast
>  enough for Strategic Army)

>- A Micro Machines (or Greatest Driver 2D Special)-like game (racing
>  with a top-view, should be possible in screen 4) (has lots of 'egale
>  vlakken', so screen 4 has enough colors I think)

   No problems w/ SCR2/SCR4 graphics, worry with the code... :)
   I like draw in this screen mode.

>- A 2-player RPG???
>  (with 'mission objectives' of which both players can do the half)
   A game like XaK 3? But w/ players going to diferent ways, not?

>- Tetris network (maybe Triplex can be adapted???)

   It is old, try another idea... :)

>- Tic-Tac-Toe for 2 MSX-computers (duh!!!)

   Jogo da velha ("Old-woman's Game") ?

> Anyways, I like the Micro Machines and Gangster-game most. If you
> think one of these ideas is cool and you would like to make it, let me
> know, maybe we can co-perate.

  I can help you with graphics and algoritms (Z80 Asm code not is my

  Giovanni Nunes

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