
> Is that possible? How about SID? <:)

  SID is the sound chip, not? It looks like a PSG (3 channel, noise,
  etc...), peharps can be simulated using PSG.

  And how to do 6502 emulation? Classical emulation or a simulation
  (like Executor)? 

  - - - - 

  That's JAMECO's Commodore/6000 series IC:

  Product   Description                                 01-09 10-99 100-
  --------- ------------------------------------------- ----- ----- -----
  6502      MPU w/ internal clock (1Mhz) .....           3.25  2.95
  65C02     MPU w/ internal clock (CMOS) ....            4.95  4.49
  6520A     PIA (peripheral interface adapter) 2Mhz      3.75  2.95
  6522      VIA (versatile interface adapter) 1Mhz
  65C22     Versatile interface adapter (CMOS)           3.95  3.59
  6532      128x8 RAM, I/O, timer array                  3.25  2.95
  6551      ACIA (asynchronous comm. interface adapter)  2.95  1.95
  6551A     ACIA 2Mhz, 250 left                                3.49
  65C51     ACIA (CMOS)                                  3.95  3.59
  8564      VIC (video interface chip for C128)          0.49  0.29  0.12
  901229-05 Upgrade ROM (for 1541 disk drive), 650 left        2.95
  --------- ------------------------------------------- ----- -----  ----- 

  My catalog is from December/January, then it can be a changed...

> Anyway, I'd like to see one of these machines, they seem primitive but
> interesting. :))

  Primitive and totally propietary machines. Only for curiosity in the
  same catalog can be found AY-3-8910 (US$8.95), Z80A (US$1.75) (but
  today Z84 or Z84C00-4 are most used) and i8255A (US$4.95), aka PPI.

  And don't forget! What means "pia" in portuguese? :)

  Giovanni Nunes, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "... Mas cabeca tem duas partes/ Parte a e parte b/ A parte boa acabou
  sendo a pior entao ..." - Minhas Ferias (Pato Fu)

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