Hi All,

> Javi Lavandeira, the webmaster of www.aamsx.org, is currently in Japan
> and he had yesterday an interview with Nishi, Yamashita, Yokoi and
> Gotou >from ASCII corp. This is the english translation of the message
> he sent to the spanish MSX mailing list:

Very nice, not many people have succeeded in visiting ASCII corp.

> ASCII wants to make a new MSX. And this is not a rumour. I repeat:
> this is not a rumour. And it is not only that "they want" to make it,
> but actually they are already working on it. It is a three phase
> project:

I dont want to be negative, but isn't it so that until there is 
official confirmation from ASCII corp (there is nothing on their 
website) it actually still is a rumour? I wonder if it was very wise 
of Javi to send this news into the public.

> This emulator is already almost finished and it will be presented on
> Den-yu land 2000. 

Great! I'm very curious about this presentatioin.

> The new MSX will have a 100 MHz or 120 MHz Z80 , 4Mb RAM and 4Mb VRAM.
> About the rest of the hardware, they do not know yet exactly what they
> will do, because there is two simultaneous developping works:

I think it is not very wise to talk about specs at this point. 
Nothing seems to be fixed.


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