> >AFAIK, FM-PAC is just PAC + FM. Although I have an FM-PAC, I never saw
> >a  FM-less PAC, so I cannot be certain. But it would make sense that
> >both SRAMs  are the same, otherwise games that save in PAC SRAM would
> >no longer work with  the FM-PAC.
> You can check out my PAC if you like (bought one in Japan), but I guess it is 
> absolutely the same.
I was wondering how a program that uses PAC to save data recognizes it? 
Afaik, there is no ROM in PAC (only 8KB SRAM).
What is the trick to dect the SRAM?

I have somewhere a program for dos to save/load SRAM saves from PAC.
There is sourcecode for it too. The documentation is in jap. If someone is interested 
I can put it on my page.
But I guess not many people do own the REAL PAC!? and the original FM-PAC has its own 
save/load manager....

I´ll have to check if it works also on FM-PAC, it should  in that case.

Has someone got a translation of the original jap. FM-PAC manual?
I´m interested in the pages which explain the PAC copy functions and about blocks on 
p. 23

Greetings from Bjørn Boye Skjoldhammer
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