On Friday 07 June 2002 10:01, Roel de Wit wrote:

> Hmmm what's the best emulator currently available for Linux (in source
> code) ?? I just received my Playstation 2 Linux Kit and want to do some
> recompiling :)

I know the following MSX emulators for Linux:
- fMSX from Marat
- fMSX-SDL (not sure if code is already available)
- MESS (MSX1 only)
- Zodiac (I don't know the status, look at SourceForge)
- openMSX (most MSX2 features implemented)
There may be more, does anyone (Sander?) know?

For the PS2 Linux I think openMSX is a good choice, because it has both SDL 
and OpenGL renderers. I read that PS2 Linux has an SDL port and also has a 
mini-GL library. So you can try both and see which works best.

On PC the GL renderer works pretty well (if you have decent hardware 
acceleration, such as nVidia's drivers). For example, in SCREEN2 every 8*8 
block is a texture and the screen is drawn by texture mapping squares with 
the right textures. It uses very little CPU time or bus bandwith. In OpenGL 
it's also relatively cheap to use interpolation, draw scanlines or use alpha 
blended overlays (these are planned but not implemented yet).

If interested, look at http://openmsx.sourceforge.net/
The current CVS version has much better GL support than the latest release.


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