'Patriek Lesparre' wrote about 'Re: [MSX] GURU LOGIC off-line' - Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 
07:17:03PM CEST
> Joost Yervante Damad wrote:
> >Since when is a game concept copyrightable?
> Dunno, maybe you should ask Jaleco who got their ass kicked in court by 
> Konami, just because they made a game involving musical instruments too. ^^;

You must keep in mind that Japan & USA have much more rediculous
interpretation of copyright then Europe.

> And, television show formats (=concept) are copyrightable too.

I think this is based on goodwill and buying the format to quickly
produce a show, and on using the trademarked name.

Again, at least in Europe, as far as I know, concepts are not
copyrightable. Plans are to make them patentable, lets hope that doesn't
come true :(

> >> And still, since all levels have been stolen, it's another copyright
> >> violation.

If they were literarely extracted, I agree it's a copyright violation.

> >If they're modeled after the original, why is it then illegal?
> They were copied from the original, so violating copyrights. In contrast, 
> the TeddyWareZ version contained a lot of original levels created by TwZ or 
> other contributors themselves.
> >> >It makes me sad. Please go and read 1984 again all.
> >>
> >> Are you on drugs?!
> >
> >No, but perhaps a bit paranoid.
> :P
> BTW, I meant to place a ;) after that remark, I hope you understood that :)

Of course :)

> In any case, regardless of opinions/feelings, it shows Aiky cares enough 
> about MSX to do something about it!
> Whether that 'caring for' is positive or negative, I'll leave to your own 
> interpretation. (right, TFH? :P)

Right, I guess my interpretation is a negative. Even if the copyrights
were violated, just dropping the original levels and name would be
enough, but then again, might as well drop the entire game. And anyway
it's the author's call.

I'd probably open-sourced everything except the levels :-p

I just found it curious that people ask no questions about such issues.
This is a discussion mailinglist after all :)

Greetings, Joost
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