Dunno, maybe you should ask Jaleco who got their ass kicked in court by Konami, just because they made a game involving musical instruments too. ^^;

So, you mean that somehow Epic Games payed ID Software for making a Quake "clone" in Unreal? Or Duke Nukem payed for being another "copy" of Doom? I don't think so, and I wish this never happens...

Those games are just in the same genre...

I mean, a puzzle game in general wouldn't have anything to do with GLC. Nor does a game involving shooting blocks into figures (Quarth, anyone? :)). But when the game involves figures looking somewhat like chickens, shooting blocks in rotating figures, well, like in GLC... Then you're just copying someone else's idea, and afaik copyrights rest on that.

Duke Nukem and Doom are both 3D first person shooters, but they have different looks, different gameplay (even slightly) different goals and objectives, etc. I admit it is a gray area, where is a game concept similar to an existing one and where does it become a ripoff. How much has to be different for it to become a different game. You'll have to use common sense. But if something is clearly a copy of your idea, well...

I mean, otherwise how could there have been legal cases by amongst others Konami and the Tetris Corporation, which they apparantly won...


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