At 14:51 22-2-05 , you wrote:


I have noticed that it is really very quiet here recently. Now I do
not intend to get rid of the list because it's not in anybody's way
(and all the spam gets filtered out and never reaches anyone but me
and Maarten), but still, I was wondering if people would actually miss
it if it were to disappear...

I posted 2 mails 2 days ago and you say it's quiet? At least it's faster than putting a newspost on MRC which takes a while (up to over 1.5 days it seemed last weekend) to let it through... Apparently they had a weekend off (funny how at least 7 people with access to that part are all on a weekend off at that moment).

And yes, I would miss it as well...

So, what do you guys think? Will the list still be used in the future?
And where do people go these days for their MSX news? Not comp.sys.msx
on Usenet, I think, it seems nearly as dead as the list... Which
websites do people frequent instead?

It should stay... no doubt about that. It would be a bad thing to have everything concentrated in one place anyway... i.e. MRC. About Usenet, It's post here faster than on comp.sys.msx... I hardly read that anymore mostly due to the spam it gets.

Hugs to all,

Right hugz at you...

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