Also, you even contradict yourself. You claim that:

1) Olli's graph was created by graphing sinc(x), sinc^2(x), and not via FFT.

2) The artifacts from the resampling would be barely visible, because
the oversampling rate is quite high.

So, if - according to 2) - the artifacts are not visible because the
oversampling is high and the graph doesn't focus on that, then how do
you know that 1) is true? You claim that the resampling artifacts
wouldn't be visible anyways.

If that's true, then how would you prove that FFT was not used for
creating Olli's graph?

Also, even you yourself acknowledge that

"It shows the aliasing left by linear interpolation into the
continuous time domain."

So, we agree that the graph shows aliasing, right?

I do not know where you get your idea of "additional aliasing" - it's
the very same aliasing, except the resampling folds it back...
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