On 28/12/05 12:38 AM +0000 Nikki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So, I suggest that we:
1. Update the country list to include all of ISO 3166-1
2. Change the DB to allow 4 character country codes
3. Include ISO 3166-3 [1]
4. Add the EU [2]
5. Add worldwide/international using one of the user-defined codes [3]

On 9/1/06 11:18 AM -0500 Rod Begbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you should be able to enter "Released in 1989 in uknown countries".
 I think the "allowing unknown country or year" option is the fix for
this, rather than adding continents as a "best guess" of release

Ok, debate on this topic has quieted down.

I don't think there's any objections to adding a "unknown" to the year and country fields for release dates, and I'd like this to go ahead.

It seems roughly agreed that adding EU and other continents and regions is not a good idea.

There is agreement that cleaning up the country list and removing, hiding or making sub-menus for items some as "Metropolitan France" (as distinct from "France"). Do we really need that level of granularity anyway? Isn't "France" good enough in these cases?

Where there any decisions in the past on how to deal with countries that no longer exist?


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