On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 08:17:05PM -0600, Dustin B wrote:
> I think we need an AR to bind transliterations and translations of the
> same album together currently so we can more easily combine them when we
> have full solution for multiple languages.

I fully agree, which is why I bugged you to send an email about it! ;)

An example I bought up, which I think illustrates the problem well, is Faye
Wong [1]. The majority of her albums are listed in MusicBrainz as
English/Latin, Chinese/Latin and Chinese/Han (Traditional).  There's no way
to work out which album is a transliteration or translation of another, you
just have to compare release dates and the number of tracks and hope it's
right. With a relationship, [2] in Chinese/Han (Traditional) would become
the official tracklist. [3] would become a Chinese (Mandarin)/Latin
transliteration and [4] would become a Chinese (Cantonese)/Latin
transliteration. [5] would be an English translation.

One advantage of it is that when we eventually have support for album/track
transliterations or translations (which I've been told will be part of
NGS), the unofficial translations can be automatically merged into the
official tracklist without the need for hundreds of manual merges.

I also agree with Gecks (regarding 'official' or 'unofficial') and Don
(regarding being able to avoid clusters).

Does anyone disagree with adding it?


1 http://musicbrainz.org/artist/692e367d-2846-442d-b13d-1177c3681c65.html
2 http://musicbrainz.org/album/d95466e6-d38c-4577-b6dd-894e1b8faa57.html
3 http://musicbrainz.org/album/c2130588-5c1d-4c22-bec2-63445cb0c849.html
4 http://musicbrainz.org/album/94e3c79b-2908-4a7e-9443-777d800475fa.html
5 http://musicbrainz.org/album/1d3f1239-73c1-46eb-b961-86536a189026.html


> Perhaps we can debate the issue of whether MB should have trans... albums,
> but on another thread.

It's not even worth the effort of a debate, it's far too late to even
attempt to stop the flow of transliterations into the database.

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