On 6/19/06, Chris Bransden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 18/06/06, Bogdan Butnaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This means we may need to add "single version" to an edited track on a
> single that isn't marked like that on the cover. Sometimes this track
> may be the first released. But it can be very confusing to do it
> otherwise.

say you have a single tracklist that reads:

1) Foo
2) B Side

how do you tell whether 1) is a 'single version' or not? not everyone
will own the album as well. i don't think we should be adding version
info on tracks if it's not written on the sleeve, even if we can
proove they are different to the standard. by saying that "all
indentically named tracks are indenticle in contet" you require users
to have heard all instances of the track in question.

It's not a bijection, it's an injection from tracks to titles. It
means that "one song" (the exact same version) should (almost always)
have a single title. There can be multiple versions with the same
title (though that's usually avoided using version info; each song
should have exactly one "title+version info" pair, though the version
info can be empty for some, preferably only one).

(OK, above you should read "I think it should be" instead of "is", it
was shorter to write that way.)

There are cases when the same song is given different titles, but I
think those should be restricted to very, _very_ clear situations,
like when some artist calls a song "Some Name" and then calls the same
thing "Completely Different Thing" (sort of analogue to renaming a
band). This does not include (IMO) abreviations, censoring of words,
adding/loosing articles. Also, version info is special, in that we
usually allow the artist to choose some name for a version, but when
it interferes with our "injective" rule above we overrule them.

(Again, read "fact statements" above as "I think it should be that way"...)

As to how we tell a track on a single is the same? Well, of course we
can only tell if we have information. Either there are other versions
in the database, or some info on the net. If there are no other
versions available for comparison, there's no problem, is there?

Anyway, our rules are not written according to what info is available.
We have some logical rules, and we attempt to find the info necessary.
Many of the ARs are very hard to prove in some cases.

-- Bogdan Butnaru — [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think I am a fallen star, I should wish on myself." – O.
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