Citerar Aaron Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> If we decided to, sure why not?  Then we would know the live songs are
> (live), but it isn't super critical because in most cases, the live
> recording is of the original recording.  One exception to this is when
> a band plays only a portion of the original recording, like Metallica
> only playing the first half of Master of Puppets.  In this case, most
> people call the song "Master of Puppets (jam/excerpt/etc)" or even a
> fan-given name of the Master of Puppets/Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
> medley... which is escaping me at the moment.

I don't follow this at all. I /might/ understand what you're saying if I
'recording' with 'song', is that what you're meaning? I think it's extremely
important to keep the terminology consistent when discussing this, otherwise
noone will know what anyone is talking about. A band can't play a recording
live, that's a contradiction (or playback). Could we please keep to 'songs' and

> > > By the way, we do have the
> > > to clarify the
> > > identical tracks.
> >
> > See, we can link identical tracks together, so we don't need the name to
> be
> > the same as we can already store the fact they're identical. This argument
> > is used in other places, so why can't it apply here? It just seems to be a
> > load of whining about "My tags! They're not the same!" which applies to
> > other things too but those aren't changed to make tagging easier because
> we
> > simply state "MusicBrainz isn't just for tagging".
> At this time linking tracks has no practical application and seems
> useless to me.  I do hope that we will be able to use this information
> in the ARs some day, but I don't want to have to go through all of
> Metallica's bootlegs and say "X is a live recording of Y" just to have
> that relationship - I don't think anyone wants to!

If there is a way to do it without completely maiming the track titles and
people would be just too lazy to do it, then that would really piss me off.


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