On Wed, 26 Jul 2006 01:43:05 +0200, Bogdan Butnaru wrote:

I start this thread because of (1) and to a related thread on the
user's list. I started it here because I think this is a guideline
issue and we need to discuss as such. I encountered  similar
situations before.

(1) http://musicbrainz.org/show/edit/?editid=5258089

Thanks for raising this issue. This is a pretty general issue for MusicBrainz. There is a type of bootlegs out there that we have traditionally not let into the database: collections of files that are distributed (usually illegally) using torrents.

It seems that there are now some such collections which are so popular and have gained such a status in subculture of music listeners, that some people expect these to be entered into MusicBrainz.

I think the questions that we need to adress are

#1 What is this?
Is this a new cultural practice? How important is it? Is it growing and gaining more importance? How small is the group of people using this practice?

#2 How should MusicBrainz deal with it?
Should we embrace it and find a way to represent it in the database, because we consider it a valid practice of listening to music? Should we keep it out of the database, because we consider it something which is outside the scope of MB? Or is there a middle ground in which we let some few distinct cases in, for which there are contributors who care about them and see what happens?

#3 How would this affect the database?
Is there a risk of flooding the database with irrelevant stuff should we let all of this in? How could this be prevented? Is there a risk of missing an important new movement of how music is distributed should we keep all of this out?

I would like to hear as many oppinions as possible. Have I missed some important points? Please try to stay on focus so that we can reach a decision and not let this trickle off into nothingness.

I will wait for your statements and maybe try to make a concrete proposal in a few days. I declare this to be the current Number one Style Issue on my radar and will monitor this closely. I will encourage and help anybody who wants to work towards a concrete sollution on this issue.

Finally I have kept my personal POV out of this mail. Maybe I'll send a separate mail later.


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